Links to Other Anti-Calvinism Posts
When Calvinism's 'Bad Logic' Traps Good Christians
Intro to the "Calvinist 'Bad Logic' Series
We Left Our Church Because of Calvinism (Things My Calvinist Pastor Said)
Here are some posts where I examine what Calvinist themselves say and expose what they really mean:
"Sin Nature, Free Will, and Foreknowledge"
"Sin, Abuse, and God's 'Sovereignty'"
"Born Again, then the Gospel, then Faith?"
"Calvi-god, Calvi-Jesus, and Calvi-faith"
"Causing Evil isn't sin for God"
"My Comment about Sin and God's Will"
"I love my grandchild, but God might not"
"My Comment about the order of 'Born again, Hear the gospel, Have faith'"
"My Comment on Calvinist Twists"
"'Saint' PJ's Deceptions and Manipulations"
These four are really long posts with lots of information and bunny-trails (but I broke them up into smaller posts in the links below):
Predestined For Salvation? Or For Something Else?
Prepared For Destruction/Hard Hearts - A Look At Romans 9
According To The Concordance ... It's Not Predestination
God Set Pharaoh Up
God Does Not Cause Us To Sin
The Holy Spirit And "Dead People"
Pre-chosen People? Is God's Call Irresistible?
Some Problems With Predestination (And What I Think The Bible Really Says)
Acts 13:48: Not As "Predestination" As It Sounds
My Response To A "Predestination" Post I Recently Read
What About Those Who Never Heard?
Does Believing In Predestination Affect Our Prayers?
What Others Say About Calvinism (more posts or blogs from other Anti-Calvinists):
(FYI, I haven't read everything on all these blogs, and so just because I link to them doesn't mean I necessarily agree with everything in them. In particular, I do not agree that a true believer can lose their salvation, as Arminianism teaches. I believe, like the Calvinist does, that we cannot lose our salvation. But I see it very differently than the Calvinist.
And for the record, I came to my belief about what the Bible says by reading the Bible, not extra-biblical books or articles. And after I came to my conclusion that Calvinism is most definitely NOT biblical, I researched online to find others who believe the same thing and their reasons for believing it. I do not want to be accused of letting another person's writings influence my beliefs. I stand on the Bible alone!)
Soteriology 101 (From a former 5-point Calvinist, Leighton Flowers. He does a great job breaking Calvinism down, calling out its errors, contradictions and illogicalness, and how it misunderstands the Bible and God. Here's the Soteriology 101 Facebook page and YouTube channel.)
Beyond the Fundamentals (Some great YouTube videos disproving Calvinism. However, I think it confuses things for him to go after both Calvinism and Provisionism/Leighton Flowers, as he has been doing lately. I'm not a fan of it, and I just want you to be aware of it. And I do have some other significant, potential concerns about him and the direction he's headed in. So be careful and discerning for yourselves.)
Hoppers Crossing Christian Church (click here for blog link) - a great look at the problems of Calvinism from several different angles.
The Bible vs. Calvinism: An Overview by Patrick Myers (one of the best overviews to read about Calvinism and its errors)
Calvinism Refuted in 10 Minutes (EXCELLENT! So biblical and succinct!)
A look at Calvin and today's Calvinists: What would they have done if they'd been there? from Discerning the World. Interesting! Very interesting! Watch it. It makes me sick to my stomach.
A 4-minute video - Hitler & Calvinism. Brilliant and gutsy!
And you can find some links to a few more great videos in this post.
And many more great Anti-Calvinism posts and websites:
Confronting Calvinism (A blog dedicated to addressing Calvinism, but no new posts are being added)
Words of Calvinism and the Word of God (links to a bunch of posts from Redeeming God blog.)
"Is Calvinism Biblical?"
120 Contradictions from Calvinists
John Calvin Exposed! (While this is a little harsh, there's some stuff worth considering and researching more. For the record, he says things in other posts I do not like or agree with. So I am only looking at what he says here, about this issue.)
Calvinism: The Horrible Decree (A look at the kind of leader John Calvin was. Is this the kind of man we should be getting our theology from!?!)
Three Words That Trip Theologians
Errors of Calvinism (This person doesn't hold back, says exactly what they're thinking. Love it. Cracks me up. And yet, it is a little harsh in some places.)
Calvinism: The Greatest God-Sent Delusion of All Time (Yee-oww! This is a long read, but it is well-worth it to sit down, take your time, and read thoughtfully. And he uses a lot of sarcasm, so you have to really read it to see what he's really trying to say.)
Calvinism is Antichrist, Doctrines of Devils (I like this person's bluntness and forthrightness. And while I agree that Calvinism is unscriptural, I wouldn't go so far as to say all Calvinists are going to hell. Only God knows our heart and can judge our faith. I think many Calvinists, in general, are good, godly, well-intentioned people who are just trying to live their faith as best they've been taught by dogmatic Calvinist preachers, but they are not aware that they are being force-fed a false view of the Gospel. They don't know to question it. They're faith in Jesus is solid and real, but they haven't thought too deeply about the nonsense they've been told is "truth" or the implications of a Calvinist God. Because if they did, they would be horrified.)
Why Calvinism Is Wrong (blog)
"Where Calvinism Leads" (I agree with this person who says that the Calvinist God has probably led to atheism for many people. Because who is going to want to believe in, trust, or love the Calvinist's irrational, contradictory, Monster God!?! There are more posts on this site in the left side-bar.)
"Responses to Calvinism"
"The Insanity of Calvinism ..."
"Reflections of a Calvinist 'Unelect'"
"My Journey Into Calvinism"
"Official Calvinism Dictionary"
These two are particularly about their idea that God tricks some unelected people into thinking they are elected so that He can punish them in hell even more: Beyond Calvinism: On Assurance Of Salvation And Calvin's "Evanescent Grace" and Assurance Of Salvation And "Evanescent Grace" (This is a Catholic website, I believe. And I don't agree with much of their theology/practices, but I am looking only at this post, at this issue of "evanescent grace.").
Some Refutations of TULIP:
(There is also post on this blog about the perseverance of the saints, which you can look up and read for yourself. There are some good questions there about a Calvinist's (lack of) assurance of salvation. But I do not agree that a true believer can lose their faith. If they "lost the faith," they were not a true believer to begin with. See my post "Can you lose your salvation?" I believe that biblical warnings to Christians are about losing eternal rewards, not losing salvation.) (A post on John Calvin himself.)
"Why I Disagree With All 5 Points of Calvinism"
"What's Wrong With 5-Point Calvinism"
From Bible Baptist Church website:
Calvinism Destroyed (Total Depravity)
Calvinism Destroyed (Unconditional Election)
Calvinism Destroyed (Limited Atonement)
Calvinism Destroyed (Irresistible Grace)
Calvinism Destroyed (Perseverance of the Saints)
Sovereignty of God (Calvinism)
Calvin's Rhetoric vs. Biblical Vocabulary
Here are some quotes directly from Calvin and Calvinists to show that they do believe Calvi-god is the cause of all sin and evil: John Calvin Quotes, Calvinist Quotes, Unbelievable.
And here are some more quotes directly from Calvin, so you can see for yourself what he teaches: John Calvin Quotes - The Calvinism of John Calvin: Are Calvinists REALLY "Calvinists"? I agree with this person that most Calvinists probably haven't really studied what Calvinism teaches. And if they did, they probably wouldn't be so quick to call themselves "Calvinists." (I believe God allows sin and uses our self-chosen sin for His purposes, but He does not cause sin.) And notice the interesting contradiction in the 7th quote down, starting with "How few are there who ..." In this, John Calvin stresses the point that there is no free-will, that we err to think we can have any thoughts or will of our own, and that the idea of free-will should be abolished. BUT THEN, he goes on to say that he is unwilling to use the term himself, and that others should agree with him. AS IF he and others can be willing or unwilling to do anything on their own - something he forcefully denies, but then claims he does. Ha-ha-ha! How contradictory! And he also alludes to the idea that it's best for us to get truth from "lengthened discourse." I am guessing he means such as from his 1000+ pages of Institutes of the Christian Religion? (Whereas the New Testament is about 300 pages long, and the book of John, which pretty much lays out the Gospel, is a fraction of that. I guess God's just too simple-minded to intelligently expound on Scripture as much as John Calvin did. Good thing Calvin eventually came along to help God say what He wanted to say but couldn't!) Sometimes, using too many words is a clue that you are elevating your own intelligence over God's simple truths, and that you are complicating truth and trying to twist it into something it doesn't say! Trying to shove square pegs in round holes takes a lot of effort!
Some Calvinist Satire. Just for fun!