Confronting the errors and dangers of Calvinism - a theology that flips the Bible on its head and does great harm to Gospel Truth, God's character, Jesus's sacrifice, and our faith.
4. More Anti-Calvinism Memes From Other People
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I deleted this post because most of the links don't seem to work anymore. Instead, check out some of my memes, starting here
I found a lot more names to add to my list of known Calvinists (found in my various "How to Tell if a Church, Pastor, or Website is Calvinist" posts). [FYI: I added a note at the bottom of this post on May 5, 2021.] And so here it is, a "master list" of known Calvinists to help you be careful and discerning about who you listen to and where you get your theology from. There are plenty more Calvinists out there, but these are just the names that I ran across the most. These are either definite, self-professed Calvinists or "most likely Calvinists," in my estimation. (I haven't heard of most of them, but it's good to know their theology before I do.) After finding these names in various places online, I looked up each person to see if they are Calvinist. If they did not self-identify as a Calvinist, I tried to figure it out based on the statements of faith of the groups/churches they belong to, the books they write, the t...
Because it appears to teach biblical truth while actually teaching the opposite - while using manipulation and cult-like tactics to suck you in! And it's spreading. Stealthily, fast, aggressively. (We watched it happen firsthand in our church, which is why I wrote this blog. See "What's the best way to make people agree with your Calvinist views?" Sadly, we ended up leaving that church , a place we attended almost 20 years.) [ I updated this November 2022 to try to shorten it. I failed. But I hope it's more readable and streamlined at least. If you only read one anti-Calvinism post of mine, I think it should be this one. But I'm warning you, this post is long. Very long. So pack a lunch and bring a sleeping bag. But it has to be long because Calvinism is so deceptively convoluted that it takes time to peel off the layers so that you can see it for what it really is. ...
A note I recently added to my posts on "How to tell if a Church, Pastor, or Website is Calvinist" : On a personal note : After having seen firsthand how Calvinism stealthily infiltrates and takes over a church, I want to share with you something that Kevin from Beyond the Fundamentals said in the video "Stealth Calvinism in Oklahoma" (my paraphrase): "By the time you realize what's going on and start looking up information about Calvinism online, it's too late." Calvinist pastors who set out to take over non-Calvinist churches are banking on the fact that most people don't know what Calvinism is, giving the pastors plenty of time to weave in Calvinism in sneaky, subtle, tricksy ways before people catch on to (and research) the red flags. (*See note at bottom about deceptive pastors.) By that time, too many people in the church have been suckered into Calvinism (without realizing it's called Calvinism), believing that they're just...
Just in case anyone missed this post (the longer title made it easy to miss the "ESV" part) ... "A Random Verse That Destroys Calvinism (And "Is The ESV a Calvinist Bible?") In that post, I write about a bunch of verses that I believe were intentionally translated to be more Calvinistic or based on manuscripts that were too corrupt to be trusted (click on it to see the verses). And why would I think that the translators of this Bible version would do that? (From that post...) The ESV and ESV Study Bible are majorly preferred by Calvinists. In fact, it's often considered "The Calvinist Bible." Why? And why would translators of a Bible make these kinds of Calvinist tweaks to Scripture? Wayne Grudem and J.I. Packer were editors on the ESV Study Bible (this is for the ESV Global Study Bible). Grudem and Packer are both popular, strong, dogmatic Calvinists. Very Big Names in the world of Calvinism. Grudem in the General E...
Here is the last of the ex-Calvinist testimonies. The first one is from this post: X-Calvinist Corner . (It's an Arminian website, but I am not Arminian.) I am going to highlight some of the comments that stood out to me the most. If you want to read everything that everyone said, click on the link above: Dana Steele writes: I grew up in a Calvinistic Baptist church from age 11. The 5-points of Calvinism (TULIP) were taught regularly with great enthusiasm ... But it wasn’t until college that I began to understand and embrace the “Doctrines of Grace” and TULIP more fully.... I also learned to love the doctrine of election because it meant that God loved me personally and specifically in a unique way. Though it made me a little embarrassed to think that God did not love everyone this way, I was content to leave this as a mystery. Who am I to question God? I was just glad I was one of the lucky (I mean chosen) ones. ... [As ...
[After this, I'll be publishing the more significant posts every other week, in general, with some small or fun ones thrown in between.] Since I added this update late to the end of my post " The Gospel Project: Calvinist or not? ", I figured I'd repost it here too (with some additional information), in case you missed it: Update: Here's something from Lifeway about (from?) The Gospel Project, answering the question "How do human actions and God's plans work together? ": "... God is in complete control over all things. This is what Christians mean when they call God 'sovereign.'... the Lord’s plans go forward through the choices of human beings as moral agents, including our freely chosen sinful actions! Everything we do is what we want to do, while also being a part of God’s plan. They are what we want and what God wants." To me, this is Calvinism. It's a little veiled, but it's Calvinism. It's saying tha...
If you point out to Calvinists that Calvinism's view of sovereignty - that God fore-ordains and orchestrates everything that happens and we had no ability to do anything differently - makes God the cause (and truly the only voluntary cause) of all sin and evil, they'll probably respond with something like "That's not what we're saying. You're putting words in our mouths. And you don't understand Calvinism." When they do that, show them a few of these quotes - Ca lvinists' own words about their beliefs of God's sovereignty and how He preplans, will, ordains, orchestrates, directs (code words for "causes") everything that happens. And then ask them if they still think you're really misunderstanding them. (Bold emphasis added) [And before reading the quotes, here's a great, satirical 4-minute video that I think everyone should see: Hitler and Calvinism . Awesome!] 1. R.C. Sproul Jr. ( Almighty Over All) : ...
(For just the "Is the ESV a Calvinist Bible" part of this post, click here .) In my normal Bible reading today, I came across a verse about "singleness vs. marriage" that destroys Calvinism in a few short words: "But the man who has settled the matter in his own mind, who is under no compulsion but who has control over his own will, and who has made up his mind not to marry the virgin - this man also does the right thing." ( 1 Corinthians 7:37, NIV ) When you get past all the layers Calvinism wraps itself in to disguise the bad parts, it ultimately teaches - at the heart of it all - that God causes/controls everything , even controlling our wills and causing our sins. (But He then punishes us for the things He caused us to do, which would make Him unjust, no matter how much Calvinists try to deny it and cover it up. See this post for some links about that.) Calvinism ultimately teaches that everything we do is because God p...
(For the extended version of this post, which I recommend, click here . It is loaded with lots more information. This simplified one is just the highlights. And feel free to copy this and share it with others, to help them learn to identify Calvinism when they see it. Just make sure to share the link to this blog so that they can find the original post. Thank you. New : For the super-short version, click here . And FYI: I found a couple times when the Calvinist author of an article I linked to changed their article after I linked to it. So if their article doesn't seem to match what I said about it, it may be because they altered it. ) We just left our church of almost 20 years because of the dogmatic Calvinist pastor who recently came on board. ( Read my "Letter to Our Elders Regarding Calvinism Growing in Our Church" here.) And I was thinking about what precautions I might take to make sure we didn't end up in another...
I've been listening through this series by Dr. and Pastor Andy Woods called Neo-Calvinism vs. The Bible, and I'm finding it really good and informative, covering a lot of aspects of Calvinism, from historical to practical to present-day issues, etc. [I even like his dry, monotone, and slightly-repetitive way of speaking. It's calming to my over-active brain, helping me really hear him and absorb what he's saying.] He's still adding to this series (and I've only listened up to 13 so far), but here are the links to all the videos he's got in the series up to this point, with a little bit about each one. They're great to listen to while you're doing something like cleaning or cooking or driving or whatever. The following are links to his website (but here's the playlist on YouTube ): Video #1: About the mixed blessings of Calvinism, including how it helped shaped our American government, and about some of the serious issues of Calvinism and o...