All The Links From "We Left Our Church Because of Calvinism"

This is a list of all the links from "We Left Our Church Because Of Calvinism (Things My Calvinist Pastor Said)":

Calvinism in the Evangelical Free Church  

Does Romans Teach Predestination?

"Is Faith a Gift God Gives (forces on) Us?"

Here is a good post on Romans 3 from Soteriology 101: "No One Can Do Good?"

Links To Other Anti-Calvinism Posts 

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

12 Tips on How to Think Critically About Calvinism

Here is a story of one Calvinist pastor who knowingly deceived the church he was interviewing at, after they specifically asked him if he was a Calvinist and told them they wouldn't hire him if he was.  And he ended up getting the job, even though he is a solid 7-point Calvinist, because he played games with their definition of "Calvinist."

For false dichotomies like "Either God controls nothing or He controls everything," click here.

Predestined For Salvation? Or For Something Else?

When Calvinism's 'Bad Logic' Traps Good Christians.

Read the John Piper quotes in this post.  That's pretty much what our pastor says too, while trying to make it sound good, like "Isn't it great to know that God is so in control that He even controls ("preplans and causes") wickedness and evilness!?!"

Do Calvinists really believe God causes sin?  Let them speak for themselves.  

Calvinist Comments: Hiding "God Causes" Under Other Phrases.

Why Is It So Hard For Calvinists To Get Free From Calvinism?

Sovereignty and Free-Will Working Together.

According to the Concordance ... It's NOT Predestination

The letter we sent to our elders regarding Calvinism growing in our church

Prepared for Destruction/Hard Hearts?  A Look at Romans 9
So Job Was A Dimwit, Huh?

Is Depression a Sin?

Tony Evans' sermons 

Read about John Calvin's treatment of  Michael Servetus online, such as in this post.

Inception memes are taken from this post: Conversations with a Calvinist

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"But Calvinists don't say God causes sin and evil!"

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