Christian Testimony: Jessica - "Atheist to Christian: How God Saved Me"

I bet a lot of people can relate to Jessica and her story (30 minutes):

I like her honesty.  And I agree with her that the rapture is soon, that time is short.  And so I appreciate that she's sharing her testimony in the hopes that she can reach as many people as possible before the Church is gone.

[Update: While I like and recommend her testimony video and the one on spiritual warfare, I am leery of the current ones she's posting about dreams and prophetic messages.  I am very wary about that kind of stuff, especially when it's about earthly blessings or opportunities.  Personally, I'd stay away from (or at least be very cautious and discerning about) messages and promises that come from other people, since they are not directly from God or His Word.  Anytime we get our messages from other people, we can be led astray.]

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