What Would These [Calvinist] Pastors Have Done If They Were There?

For your viewing pleasure:

This just makes me sad.  It makes me sad how many people still put their faith in Calvinism when it contradicts the clear, simple truth of the Bible!  

[And that Robert Morey is one creepy dude!  And if a Calvinist brings up the whole "God hated Esau" thing to try to prove that God hates the non-elect and predestines them to hell, tell them this: "Who did God say He hated?  Esau!  Therefore, biblically, God has only said He hates one person in the whole history of the world ... Esau.  (Poor Esau!)  I'm not Esau.  You're not Esau.  No one - not any so-called 'non-elected' person - is Esau.  So there is no proof that God hates them.  Because He only said He hates Esau."  

(And of course, if you actually read the passage it's taken out of, you see what God meant by "hated."  And it does not mean "emotional feelings of hatred toward him to the point of predestining him to hell."  It means "The older (Esau) will serve the younger (Jacob)," that God chooses to make some vessels for noble uses and some for common uses (Romans 9:12, 21).  It's not about God choosing Jacob for salvation and Esau for damnation; it's about God choosing to use Jacob, instead of his older brother Esau, to be the blood-line that brings Jesus into the world.

And in response to John MacArthur's moronic comment of how it's doesn't work to say that Jesus paid the price for all sins of all people of the world because there are people in hell...

I would say this: "The reason we say Jesus died for all sins of all people is because it's what God Himself clearly says in numerous verses (John 3:16, 1 John 2:2, John 1:29, Romans 5:18, Hebrews 2:9).  And the so the obvious reason why people are in hell if Jesus died for all sins is because they chose to reject Jesus' sacrifice for them, they refused to hear and believe the Truth (John 3:18, Matthew 13:15, Matthew 23:37, Romans 11:20,23, Romans 1:18)."  

Jesus's death didn't make all people go to heaven.  Jesus's death made it possible for all people to go to heaven ... because it paid the penalty of death that we owed for our sins.  But many people want to be their own gods, rejecting Jesus as Lord and Savior.  And so they choose to reject the payment He made on their behalf, which means they will pay the penalty for their sins themselves with eternal death, eternal separation from God.  This is why there are still people in hell even though Jesus died for them.

But Calvinists cannot mesh "Jesus died for all sins of all people" with their theology.  So instead of believing what God clearly, plainly said about Jesus dying for all people, they change it to "Jesus died only for the elect."  They base their theology on their own faulty reasoning instead of on what the Bible says.  And so they end up coming up with garbage like "Jesus couldn't have died for all sins of all people because there are still people in hell.  And if He died for people who would reject Him, it would be a waste of His blood and diminish His sacrificial death.  And so therefore, He only died for the elect."  

Notice the double-talk MacArthur uses and how he uses his own philosophical reasoning to come up with his theological views, instead of basing it on what the Bible says.  Also notice how he states what the Bible actually clearly teaches - that Jesus died for all and makes salvation possible for all and that the sinner activates that potential atonement (by accepting - through faith, through their belief in Jesus - the salvation Jesus offers to all through His sacrificial death) - but then he calls it "impossible," with no biblical support for his claim.  He actually states what the Bible teaches clearly about salvation and then calls it "impossible," with nothing to back him up.  

The thing is, it's only impossible in Calvinism, because they can't mesh it with their idea that "God is sovereign means God predestines everything that happens and controls all things, even the decisions we make about Him."  But they misunderstand sovereignty from the very beginning.  Sovereignty is about God being the highest power and authority there is, not about how God has to use His power and authority.  

But Calvinists have decided that for God to be sovereign, He must control all things, even our sins and whether we believe in Him or not ... or else He can't be God.  They tell God how God has to be and act in order to be God, even though it flies in the face of how God has chosen to be and act in the Bible.  

But instead of tossing out their Calvinism, they toss out the clear teachings of the Bible, replacing it with their own errant philosophical, contradictory, nonsensical ramblings which contradict what the Bible clearly teaches.  

They are slaves to their Calvinism.  They are in too deep to see it any other way.  It's sad.  And so destructive to the true gospel!

And you know what, MacArthur?  

I have no tension with what the Bible teaches.  

But I have great tension with the changes you Calvinists made to what the Bible teaches!]

And in order to get rid of the sick feeling in your stomach after watching those videos, watch this one: Calvinism Refuted In 10 Minutes (Greg Boyd).  An excellent video!  So biblical and succinct!

And one more, just for fun: Hitler and Calvinism.  I LOVE IT!  I wish I could sneak into church and project this on the screen behind my Calvinist ex-pastor as he preaches.  That would be awesome! 

And another one we just found: "The Candid Calvinist" (a great 6-minute "satire" video)

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