Todd Agnew's Song - "My Jesus"

 I've shared this video before, but it's worth sharing again and again ...

"My Jesus" by Todd Agnew

What does your Jesus look like?  Which Jesus do you follow?  Is He anything like what the Bible says about Him?

Do you really understand what He gave up for all of us, for you personally?  Do you know that it was His incredible love for you that held Him on the cross, that He chose to die for you so that you could live?

Do you understand it enough to give it all up for Him?

We'll probably never be forced to die for our faith in Christ but ... I wonder ...

Are we really living for Him?

[And for the Calvinists out there: Who is your Jesus?  Is He someone who loves only a few people, who died for only a few people, who truly wants only a few people to be saved?  Do you really think this is the Jesus of the Bible?  And did you come to this conclusion reading the Bible on your own or because someone taught it to you through their Calvinist books and Calvinist-indoctrination classes?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  (John 3:16)]

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