Satan vs. Calvinism's god

Hmm ... let me see ...

1.  Satan lies.  

Calvi-god lies too - telling us that he loves all people, that he wants all people to be saved, and that he sent Jesus to die for sinners, when in reality he predestined most people for hell and gave them no chance to be saved because he only sent Calvi-Jesus to die for the "elect."  Not to mention that Calvi-god is the cause of all of Satan's lies.

2.  Satan is a master of half-truths and deception.  

Calvi-god is a master of half-truths and deception too - telling people to repent but hiding the fact that they can't repent unless he makes them repent, commanding them to be obedient but hiding the fact that he actually controls everything they do, commanding the "non-elect" to do things he made impossible for them to do (repent and believe) but then causing them to do things he commands them not to do (disobey, rebel, reject him).  Not to mention that Calvi-god is the cause of all of Satan's half-truths and deceptions.

3.  Satan twists God's words.

Calvi-god twists words too - "All" doesn't mean "all."  "The world" doesn't mean "the world."  "Whosoever" doesn't mean "whosoever."  "Seek me" doesn't mean that you can seek him.  "Believe" doesn't mean that you can choose to believe.  "Choose this day whom you will serve" doesn't mean that you can actually choose whom you will serve.  
"Free will" only means you are free to do what Calvi-god predestined you would do.  Etc.

4.  Satan tempts people to sin and to rebel against God.  Satan delights in causing sin and is glorified by evil.  

Calvi-god causes 
everything that happens - even sin and evil and the rejection of him - for his pleasure and glory.  He causes Satan to do what he does.  In fact, he preplanned it all from the beginning.  And he gets as much glory from sin and evil as he does from good.  

5.  Satan wants as many people in hell as possible.  

Calvi-god wants the majority of people in hell, too, predestining them for hell from the very beginning, with no choice on their parts and no chance to be saved.

6.  Satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy.

Calvi-god is the cause of all that stealing, killing, and destroying, preplanning and causing it all. 

7.  Satan actively fights against God.  

Calvi-god actively fights against himself all the time.  By calling all people to worship him (for his glory) but then causing most people to reject him (for his glory).  By calling people to obey him (for his glory) but then causing them to disobey him (for his glory).  By warning us to avoid evil while he causes that evil.  By causing Satan to fight against him and to try to steal his glory, for his glory.  By being upset about sin while causing sin for his pleasure and glory.  Etc.

And so I ask you ... Satan?  Calvi-god?  Do you see a difference?

You know what the only real differences are?

We expect this kind of stuff from Satan ... and other people don't try to manipulate and shame us into worshipping him in spite of it.

[In fact, they don't have to.  Not when Satan and Calvi-god are the same person.  See the similar post "Who are Calvinists REALLY worshipping?"]

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