An Election Day Prayer

 Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You that we live in a country that values democracy, that gives us the right to choose our leaders.  This is such a privilege, even when things don't go our way.  Thank You that You gave us a president these last four years who generally stood for Your values, who worked to stop our slide into godlessness and moral decay.  Thank You also, Lord, for Your promise to work all things out for the good of those who love You.  In Your hands, even all the bad, confusing, and messy things are turned into something good and beautiful and worthwhile.  Let us who love You remember always that no matter what happens, You are a good, trustworthy, loving, powerful, wise Father who knows what's best and who is carrying out plans that we can't even fathom.  I thank You that we who trust in You do not have to lean on our own pathetic power and limited wisdom, but that we have a big God whom we can pray to, who answers prayer, who will handle all the things we can't handle and who knows far better than we do about how things should go.

So right now, I choose to put my faith and hope in You, not in the results of this election.  The answer to our prayers is ultimately not in the results of this election, but our answer is You, regardless of what happens in this election.  Whoever is chosen as president is really just a pawn in Your hands, and You have Your reasons for why You allow certain people to get elected.  It is Your job to work out Your plans; it's our job to trust You.  

But since You also tell us that our prayers are necessary to get Your Will done on earth, I humbly come before You right now to ask that You would choose as president the man whose policies closest resemble the things You stand for, the values You uphold.  Choose the man who will work to stop our country's slide into evil instead of speeding up our slide into evil.  I pray that You would show wicked, rebellious people that they cannot rage against You and win, that their efforts to control the country by rioting and bullying and censorship and dirty politics and using the media/social media to manipulate people cannot thwart Your plans.  Let Your glory shine out for all to see, especially Your enemies.  Show them that You are holy and righteous and just, and that You will not be mocked.  Show them that You are God and they are not.  

Please, Lord, take a strong stand for those who stand with You and for You.  We call on You to help us, through this election, to turn this country around for You, for good.

But since we are limited in our understanding and do not know better than You what's for our best, I pray above all that Your Will would be done, even if it isn't what we will.  If things do not go the way we hoped, I pray that You remind us, those of us whose hope is in You, that You are in control, that You are bigger than politics, and that You will right all wrongs in the end.  Whoever wins this election, let Your Spirit work among us to bring as much peace and healing as possible.  Keep evil from creating more havoc and destruction than it already has, even though many will be upset no matter who wins.  Protect our current president and government leaders.  Guide them to know what You want them to do.  Give them ears to hear You, a heart to serve You, and the courage to obey You.  Work out Your plans through them and bless them for their faithfulness.  

Lord, we remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers in the spiritual realm.  And so I pray that You would send Your heavenly angels to keep evil back and especially to protect those who love You.  You say that vengeance is Yours, and so I pray that You would turn wicked men's wicked plans back on themselves.   

Lord, I strongly believe that the "end times" fuse has been lit, that whoever wins the presidency is ultimately of little consequence considering the events that I believe are about to happen.  I believe You are drawing lines in the sand and that, through Trump's presidency, You've been forcing people to get off the fence, to choose which side they want to be on.  Because You are coming back again soon.  

Regardless of who wins this election, use the results for Your "end times" plans, to force people to make their decision, to choose to either stand with You or to stand with evil, to soften the hearts of those who want to know You or to harden the hearts of those who want to reject You.  And when You remove Your Spirit from this world and take Your people out of here, remind those who rejected You that they made their choice, that they got what they wanted - a world without You.  And I pray that it would horrify them, that many would see the mistake they made and turn to You during the tribulation.

Lord, I pray that the results of this election would honor You and be what You want, whatever that may be.  But mostly I pray this:  Amen. Come, Lord Jesus

Three songs for believers about what really matters most: Lord, I Need You (Matt Maher) and Oh, What Love (City Harmonic) and Manifesto (City Harmonic)

And a song for unbelievers about what's coming, about something that's even bigger than this election: I Wish We'd All Been Ready

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