Christian Testimony: Evangeline - "Lust, Drugs, Depression, Heartbreak, New Age to Jesus Christ"

 This is Evangeline's 23-minute testimony.  This is her first YouTube video, posted October 27, 2020 ... so let's show her some encouragement!

In this video, she shares honestly and openly about how she grew up in a Christian home but drifted from the Lord, getting involved with drugs and men, making mistakes along the way.  She shares how she realized that her self-worth was wrapped up in these relationships but that they were not truly fulfilling to her.  At least not in the way we need to be fulfilled deep in our souls.  Only God, only Jesus Christ, can do that!

I think there's a lot of wisdom in what she says about "I surrender!... I can't do this; take it from me!"  That is a point I think God takes us all to eventually - the point of choosing to either let Him be God or not.  

It's not always easy.  In fact, it seldom is.  Learning to die to self.  To let God be God. To let go of the things we hold onto dearly, the things we think give us value and meaning and purpose, the things that ultimately distract us from what really matters, from the Lord.  

But when we surrender, He proves to us what a big, loving, good, faithful God He is.  He can handle the things we can't.  And He alone can give us the value and meaning and purpose and healing that we desperately need.

I appreciate that she realizes that her journey is really just beginning.  She's not trying to sound like an expert who is teaching others, but she's sharing her story as a fellow traveler on the messy, unpredictable journey of faith.

Thank you for sharing your heart and your story with us, Evangeline!  I hope you make more videos.

(FYI: I do disagree with her, though, that yoga is okay.  This is one of my soapbox issues: Yoga is not okay for Christians to do.  Those are prayer poses to Hindu gods, meant to align you with the universe.  Do not mess around with it.  Demons don't care if you're only doing it for health reasons.  See this post for more on that.)

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