Justin Bieber Talks About Faith and Life

I don't usually watch interviews with celebrities, but this is such a great one.  It's so touching to hear about the journey Justin has been on over the years, going through such pain, to finding his way back to Jesus and healing and hope and wholeness.  

Those who have been to the lowest depths and back have the most meaningful stories to share!  

I'm really rooting for him.  God bless him and his wife!  (And say a prayer for them.)

Justin Bieber Talks About His Faith in Jesus (4 minute clip from the full video)

The full Justin Bieber - Zane Lowe interview (43 minutes, totally worth watching all the way to the end)  

Two of the comments in the comment section really summed it up well (I fixed a minor misspelling in one):

"I don't see a man that is losing his way.  I see a man fighting to find it.  Encourage him."

And "Billions may know your name, but nobody really knows your pain" 

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