"Becoming a Christian" and "Steve McQueen's Christian Testimony"

 A great, quick video from Pastor Greg Laurie on "Becoming a Christian" (4 minutes long)

And a 2 1/2-minute one from Tony Evans: Salvation Through Jesus Christ

Yes, it's that simple!  Eternal life, salvation, is that simple to get.  All of the work has been done for you by Jesus Christ on the cross.  And all you have to do is accept it.  

[Keep in mind that it's not the prayer that saves you, the words you say.  It isn't a "magic spell."  What saves you is your choice to believe in Jesus, your decision to make Him your Lord and Savior, to believe that He is God and that He came to earth to die on the cross to pay the price for your sins so that you can live, so that you don't have to pay the price for your sin.  You can live eternally in heaven because of what He did for you on the cross.  And all you have to do is accept it, believe it.  If you will believe (if you will accept it as truth, even if you don't "feel it" yet) that Jesus is God, that He died for your sins, that you are a sinner and that you need Him to save you, if you will turn from your old life and embrace Him as Lord and Savior, you will be saved.] 

And just for the heck of it, here is a 1 1/2-hour video from Greg Laurie about the journey Steve McQueen took to get to the Lord.  I never really knew about or cared about McQueen, but I found his story touching because my heart aches for broken, hurting, lost people.  Maybe you'll find some inspiration and hope (and maybe some answers) in his life story too.  

No one is eternally hopeless!  

No one is beyond the reach of God's grace and love and forgiveness!

(Also see my post: "Starting Your Own Relationship With Jesus Christ")

[Being one minute late for something usually doesn't make much difference.  But if the rapture is really coming soon - and even if not soon, it will come someday - being one minute late to pray this prayer will make a huge, tragic difference!  

Right now, we are in the "age of grace" when it's so easy to be saved and when it usually doesn't cost us much socially.  But at the rapture, the "age of grace" ends and the "age of wrath/judgment" starts.  And during those horrible 7 years, at least half the people on earth will die through God's judgments and many Christians will be hunted and martyred for their faith.  Whether you pray this prayer a minute earlier or a minute too late will make all the difference in whether or not you are spared the 7-year tribulation or have to go through it.  Don't wait too long.  Time is short.  

Two "end times" videos:

I Wish We'd All Been Ready

In The Sky]

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