Calvinism is Wickedly Wrong!

Calvinism is man telling God how God has to be and act, in order to be God!

Calvinism does not worship the God of the Bible.  It worships its own made-up version of God, one that contradicts the clear, consistent teachings of the Bible and that completely alters God's character.

Calvinism stems from man's feelings of intellectual superiority and his false sense of humility.  It presents a warped view of God's sovereignty, at the expense of Truth!

Calvinism is not the Gospel!  Calvinism contradicts the Gospel, adding layers of hidden meanings to what the Bible clearly says, leading to major contradictions, nonsensical conclusions, circular reasoning, and severe damage to the Truth, to Jesus's sacrifice, to God's love and justice and grace, to people's hope and faith and relationship with God.

In fact, Calvinism doesn't care about a relationship with God.  It doesn't care about God as Father.  It only cares about God as Supreme Ruler.  It only cares about reducing humans to such worthless blobs of clay - created not because God loves us but only because He wants to use us to get more glory for Himself, - that it appears to elevate God's glory as high as it can, in comparison to our utter insignificance and worthlessness.  (I say "appears to" because if you are presenting a false view of God, then how can you be glorifying Him?)

Calvinism turns God into a deceptive, evil-causing "monster-god" who lies when he says he loves "the world" and really wants all people to be saved and that we can "seek him" and "choose obedience" ... who only loved a few special "elected" people enough to send Jesus to die for them (and only for them) ... who hates everyone else with an everlasting hate even though he caused them to reject him ... and who punishes the unelect for the evil he causes them to do and for being the unbelievers he caused them to be.  

And then Calvinism uses the words "sovereign" and "God's glory" to excuse whatever they say God does.  They shame people into accepting this "monster-god" by saying "A sovereign God can do anything He wants for His glory, even predestining people to hell.  Humble Christians don't have to understand how this all works, how God can be the sovereign controller of everything but still hold us accountable for what we do.  They just accept it and don't question it.  You don't have to like it, but you have to accept it, because it's what the Bible says.  And if you disagree with me, you are disagreeing with the Bible and with God.  Who are you to talk back to God anyway!?!"

Oh yeah, now that sounds like Gospel truth, doesn't it!?!  

And ... umm ... if God controls everything, even our thoughts, how can we "talk back" to Him?

(But my Calvinist pastor uses a lot of Bible verses to back him up, you might be saying.  Yeah, well, Satan knows how to quote Scripture too, fluently, for his purposes.  When he was tempting Jesus in the desert, he quoted good Scripture; he just took it out of context and applied it wrong, using it against God.)

Calvinism is not the Gospel.

Calvinism is wickedly wrong!

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

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