Calvinism - A Different Gospel!

Calvinism teaches a different Gospel!

The God of the Bible loves all people and wants all people to be saved.  Calvi-god does not.

The Jesus of the Bible died for all men and all sins, so that all could be saved.  Calvi-Jesus did not.

The God of the Bible tells us to seek Him in order to find Him, to choose whom we will serve.  Calvi-god says we can't seek him or choose whom we will serve.

The God of the Bible is a just God, giving us the choice between obedience and disobedience, and He responds to us according to our choice.  Calvi-god controls all we do, causing us to be either obedient or disobedient, based on what he's predetermined for us, but then he punishes us for the disobedience he causes.

The God of the Bible is glorified when people obey Him and worship Him.  Calvi-god is glorified by causing sin and causing people to go to hell.

In the Bible, salvation comes by hearing the Word and by believing in Jesus, choosing Him as your Lord and Savior, and then when you believe, you get the Holy Spirit.  In Calvinism, you can't "choose" Jesus as Lord and Savior because salvation has already been predecided for you by Calvi-god, and there's nothing you can do to affect whether you are saved or not.  And the elect get the Holy Spirit before they believe, and only then can they understand/respond to the Gospel.  The elect don't get the Holy Spirit because they believe; they get the Holy Spirit in order to believe.  So in Calvinism, first you get elected (saved) by Calvi-god, then the elect get the Holy Spirit, then they believe, then they can understand the Gospel.  (Talk about flipping Scripture on its head!)  But if you are unelected, you can never believe or understand the Gospel because you can never get the Holy Spirit because Calvi-god didn't pick you and Calvi-Jesus didn't die for you.  (So what good is the Gospel really!?!  Why is it needed!?!  What does it accomplish if it has no effect on whether you are saved or not!?!)  So sorry, you unelected sinners, but you lost the salvation lottery!  Better luck next time ... oops ... there is no next time.  

Calvinism:  A totally different Gospel.  Lies disguised as truth.  Darkness disguised as light.  Damaging the Church from the inside out.  Using the Bible to destroy God's Word.

Sounds satanically-inspired to me!

"I am astonished that you are so [easily] deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel - which is really no gospel at all.  Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"  (Galatians 1:6-8, "easily" added in place of "quickly," to describe how willing many Christians are to embrace Calvinism without objection or critical evaluation.) 

(Taken from the post "Are Calvinists Saved?")

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