A Calvinist's View of The Fall

If you consider the Fall of Adam and Eve from a Calvinist perspective:

God told them not to eat the fruit but He really wanted them to eat the fruit so that they could be condemned to hell so that Jesus could come down to die for people so that people (the "elect") could be saved.  So basically, God lied to them when He told them He didn't want them to eat the fruit, because He really did want them to eat the fruit and He had already planned for it to happen.  And then God punished them for doing His Will, for doing the things He wanted them to do all along, which was eat the fruit.

Yep!  Makes perfect sense!

Such a great God that Calvinist God is!  Telling people not to do what He really wants them to do.  Causing them to do what He told them not to do.  Lying to them about what His real Will is.  Punishing them for being disobedient even though He wanted them to be disobedient, while pretending that He really didn't want them to be disobedient.  Punishing people for carrying out His Will, sending them to hell for the things He caused them and willed them to do.  All for His glory!

That Calvinist God is an awesome God indeed!

Calvinism: God caused the Fall because He had planned for Jesus to die for our sins so that He could save the few elect.  (Talk about putting the cart before the horse!  "Well, I planned for My Son to die for sin, so I guess I have to now cause sin so that He has something to die for!"  It's nonsense!)

The Bible:  God didn't cause us to sin, but He knew we would willingly choose to sin, and so He preplanned Jesus's death in order to pay for our sin so that we could go to heaven, if we choose to accept Jesus's sacrifice on our behalf.  (Makes so much more sense!)

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