Leaving Calvinism: Comments from Ex-Calvinists #7
Here is the next batch of ex-Calvinist testimonies (and those who never were Calvinists but who came face to face with it) from this post: X-Calvinist Corner . (It's an Arminian website, but I am not Arminian.) I am going to highlight some of the comments that stood out to me the most. If I add any comments of my own, it will be [blue and in brackets] . I made minor corrections for better grammar and punctuation. If you want to read everything that everyone said, click on the link above: Deborah Hansel [a sad example of what Calvinism does to you and your faith] : I was raised in a Calvinist town, and I went to Calvin College. I became a Calvinist (solidified/mentally) through listening to R.C. Sproul and reading John Piper.... However, over the years, my assurance began to erode, and it came to a head a couple years ago when we started attending a Calvinist church and the pastor asked me, “When did you become a Christian?”... I di...