For reference (links, including "Why is Calvinism so Dangerous" Series):
Adding the "Why is Calvinism so dangerous?" series buried the previous "last posts" of this blog. So for reference, here are links to some of the posts right before the series, so that you can quickly find them without a lot of scrolling:
Here are the links that I put on the left sidebar of this blog:
... Links to Anti-Calvinism posts (mine and others)
Links to anti-Calvinist websites/videos:
Soteriology 101 blog with Leighton Flowers (and on Facebook... YouTube... Podcast)
Beyond the Fundaments with Kevin Thompson
Idol Killer and his YouTube channel. (FYI. I think he believes we can lose our salvation, but I don't.)
Andy Woods Ministries, YouTube series: Neo-Calvinism vs. The Bible
The Bible vs. Calvinism: An Overview by Patrick Myers (one of the best overviews to read about Calvinism and its errors)
Links to non-/anti-Calvinist preachers:
Tony Evans (my favorite!)
Ralph "Yankee" Arnold (my husband recommends him, but I haven't really watched him much)
And since the "Why is Calvinism so Dangerous?" series ends up being in reverse on this blog, I am adding links to each post here, so you don't have to scroll way down to get to the first one (If you read any posts of mine, I think it should be this series!):
Why is Calvinism so Dangerous?...