
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Humble Calvinist: "Jesus Died For Me Me Me"

I have no idea who made this (or who Tyler Vela is, other than that he's a Calvinist), but here's an amusing 2-minute video, featuring Beaker from the Muppets, demonstrating Calvinist "humility":  "Jesus Died for Me Me Me" Notice what he says about God's love: essentially that a generalized, all-encompassing love for mankind isn't good, isn't meaningful, but that it's so much better for God to have a specific, focused love on only a few people.   (And notice how he throws out the accusation of "universalist" if you believe Jesus died for all.  He says that can't be true because there will still be people in hell.  This is a mistake in their thinking because they start from the basis that people cannot choose, and so we can't choose to reject Jesus's offer of salvation.  Therefore, those people must be in hell by God's choice, because they never got the offer of salvation, because Jesus never died for them.  Because i...

Exposing Calvinism: I love my grandchild, but God might not

Want to see where Calvinism leads?  I recently found this old post,  "The Total Depravity of Certain Calvinists" ,   about a Calvinist soon-to-be-grandfather who made some wretched claims about his unborn grandchild.  He claimed that he loved the unborn child but realizes that God might not, that God might have predestined that child to be an unbeliever ... or even a murderer. Calvinists don't realize how blasphemous they are.  They have been brainwashed to think that they are being so humble and God-honoring to accept the idea that God can cause (not just allow but cause ) any horrible, evil, unjust thing He wants .... and that it's okay .... because "God is sovereign, and so He can do whatever He wants.  Who are you, O man, to talk back to God?" It's sick!   (And quite honestly, isn't saying that he loves his grandchild but God might not kinda like saying that he is more loving than God, that he treats people better than God does, because he can...

The Calvinist ESV: James 1:12 and 5:11

  I am breaking the  "A Random Verse That Destroys Calvinism (And 'Is the ESV a Calvinist Bible'?)"  post up into shorter segments so that each verse (or two) gets it own post. #8:   In  James 1:12 , most versions put the responsibility in man's hands to "endure temptation," such as... "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial ..."  (NIV) "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation ..."  (KJV) In these translations, the person is the one doing the persevering/enduring.  According to the concordance, the word  "endures"  in this verse means to bear a trial bravely and calmly.  This is something the person has to  do .  It takes effort and wise choices to stay faithful and obedient in the face of trials and temptations. But here it is  in the ESV  (and  only  in the ESV):   "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial ..."   (When the ESV words a verse differently than any ot...

Exposing Calvinism: My Comment about Sin and God's Will

I left several comments on the most recent Soteriology 101 post ( “Frustrated by the state of the world?” ).  And since they took me awhile to write, I wanted to copy them here to save them and to get some extra use out of them.   I will spread them out over several posts because they are long.   These comment are in response to different comments others left.   I added small corrections/changes to better explain and clarify what I meant.   (If you get a chance, read the whole comment section.   It’s really interesting to see what Calvinist thinking is like.   Rhutchin and Roland and Filemon are Calvinists.   I think everyone else who commented, as of May 1, 2021, is a non-Calvinist.) This started with a comment by non-Calvinist, Fromoverhere: “If, for [Calvinists], all the evil in the world that happens is what God wants … then what is your point about anything?” Rhutchin (the long-term resident Calvinist) listed some verses about God comman...