Quick List of Some Calvinist Contradictions and Nonsense

More examples of their contradictions and nonsense, for your information (some of it is review):

1.  Calvinists will say, "Of course God loves all people."  But what they believe but don't say is "But God loves the elect and the non-elect differently.  He shows love to the elect by saving them, and He shows love to the non-elect by caring for them while they are on earth."

2.  They'll say "Of course God calls all people to Him."  But what they believe but don't say is "God gives a general call to everyone that the non-elect can never respond to because God didn't give them the ability to respond to it, and He gave a special call to the elect that they are predestined to respond to."

3.  They'll say "Of course Jesus died for all and salvation is available to all."  But what they believe but don't say is "ALL of the elect, that is.  From ALL kinds of people groups.  Not ALL individual people everywhere."

4.  They'll say "Of course God wants all men to be saved and wills that no one perishes."  But what they believe but don't say is "But God has two wills, you see.  A revealed one where He said He wills that all men would be saved and that no one would perish.  But He also has a secondary 'secret' will (known by us Calvinists) where He has predestined that most men will be unsaved, for His glory and plans and pleasure."  (So God wills one thing but then actively causes the opposite!?!  Yep, makes perfect sense!)

5.  They'll say "Of course God commands everyone to repent" and "Of course God offers salvation to anyone who wants it."  But what they believe but don't say is "But only the elect will/can want salvation and repentance.  The non-elect will/can never want salvation or repentance.”

6.  They'll say "Of course I believe in evangelizing."  (However, some Calvinists don't, due to the fact that they believe God's already chosen who will believe, and there's nothing anyone can do to change it).  But what they believe but don't say is "I don't evangelize to tell others Jesus loves them enough to die for them (because Calvinists say He only died for the elect, and they don't know who the elect are) and I don't believe in challenging them to 'accept Jesus into their hearts' (because that would make it sound like we can 'choose' Jesus, and Calvinists don't believe we can do that).  But I do believe in evangelizing because God told us to, plain and simple.  And I believe God's greatest goal is to be famous among the people, and so I evangelize to spread His fame, not His love for people or His desire for a relationship with people or to call people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior."

7.  They'll say "Of course our choices to sin are real, not forced by God.  They come from our desires, and so we can be held accountable for them."  But what they believe but don't say is "But we will only desire what God predestined us to desire.  And those who get the 'sinner nature' can only want to sin."

8.  They'll say "If people reject God, it's because they wanted to reject Him."  But what they believe but don't say is "But God determines the thoughts and desires a person has."

9.  They might even say "Of course God doesn't predestine people to hell."  But what they believe but don't say is "He just picks who goes to heaven, and so everyone else goes to hell by default."

[Or if they do admit that God predestines people to hell, and you ask "why?" ... they'll say "The question isn't 'why does God predestine anyone to hell'; it's 'why does He predestine anyone to heaven when we all deserve hell to begin with.'"  

They will try to shift focus from the bad to the "good," so that you won't get distressed by thinking of God as a God who would deliberately create people for hell, giving them no chance for heaven.  And of course, since they are so sure that they themselves are elected, they don't have to give too much thought to the fate of the non-elected, not when it's so much easier to ignore it or sweep it under the rug - like those on the outside of concentration camps going about their business, acting like nothing is wrong, while the ovens and gas chambers continue to kill.  

If they just ignore the fact that Calvi-god predestines people to hell, they don't have to deal with the uncomfortable questions that come up.  And of course, if more questions do come up, they simply resort to "Well, God can do whatever He wants because He is sovereign.  He is the Potter and we are the clay.  His ways are above our ways.  Who are we to talk back to Him anyway?"  (As if we can "talk back" to a God who supposedly controls everything we do, according to them!)  

Does anyone else see anything wrong with a theology that covers up and brushes off the uncomfortable, difficult, very-important questions - the kind of questions that strike at the very heart of salvation, of our eternal souls, of the character of God, of what Jesus' death accomplished, etc.?  (That's a mighty big elephant under that rug!)  And then when that doesn't work, they try to shame you into not looking into these things too deeply, to convince you that it's unhumble to question their views and that you're dishonoring God.

Anyone else see anything wrong with this?]

Calvinism is convoluted, deceptive nonsense.  And it turns God into a wicked God - the cause of all our sins and then the unjust punisher of those He caused to sin.

Do not let their convoluted, deceptive nonsense trap you.  Their "logic" is completely illogical when compared to the Bible and who God really is.  Question everything they say and believe, figure out what they're really saying behind what they say, and find out what the Bible really says instead!

When your eyes are opened to the depth, completeness, and strategic sneakiness of Calvinism's deception, you'll understand why I call it "satanically brilliant".

(For all the posts in this series, see the "Intro ..."  Or look for "'Calvinist Bad Logic' Series" in the labels on the side-bar.  Or find the whole series in one post, "When Calvinism's 'Bad Logic' Traps Good Christians.")

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