Michael W. Smith's Song - "Secret Ambition"

This has always been a favorite song of mine, and I love the video: 

"Secret Ambition" by Michael W. Smith  

To me, this is one of the best Christian songs ever made and should be played daily on Christian radio.  

I love that this video shows a powerful Jesus - a Jesus who isn't afraid to take an aggressive stand against those who turned the temple courtyard into an area of business, who isn't afraid to offend the hoity-toity religious leaders, boldly pointing a firm finger at them in confrontation (unlike other videos I've seen that portray Jesus as a wimpy, milquetoast Jesus who meekly, half-heartedly flips over the money-changers tables, as if He's afraid to make a mess or cause a ruckus).  It comforts me to see Jesus portrayed this strong and bold.  This is a Jesus who can handle the evil in this world, who can be trusted to take care of me and my little problems.

And I love that it shows a Jesus who loves sinners immensely - a Jesus who reaches down to grab the hand of any heartbroken, humbled sinner who reaches up for Him, a Jesus who left the comforts of heaven to come down to our dirty, little, broken earth to die in our place, for our sins, so that we could live.  This is how much He loves me, and you, and all of us.  And all He asks is that we accept His sacrificial love, that we love Him in return, making Him our Lord and Savior.  

When we call His name, He comes running.

But how many people are going to miss out on eternal life, on forgiveness and healing and true hope, all because they don't know why He came or because they just don't care?

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