Calvinism: Using unclear to interpret clear

I just found and watched this video against Calvinism yesterday (I have no idea who this pastor is or what else he teaches, but this video was good and on-track, very simplified): 

Trojan Horses in the Church Today, part 1: Calvinism

I particularly like something he says near the beginning which neatly sums up the fundamental problem of Calvinism: "Calvinism is a man-made philosophy that is contradictory to Scripture.  It is built on the classic error - now listen carefully to this - of interpreting clear passages of Scripture by unclear passages of Scripture.  That is a violation of the ABC's of Bible interpretation.  One of the most basic rules of [Bible] interpretation is you interpret unclear passages by clear ones.  Not the other way around.  But Calvinism is built on the idea of interpreting clear, simple passages by unclear ones.  Therefore, if you start with the unclear and you start with a false idea, then you start looking at the clear verses and you start saying, 'Well, it doesn't really mean that.'"  

Totally!  So succinct.  This is why Calvinists will come up with a totally different interpretation of a clear, simple, commonsense verse which ends up contradicting the clear, simple, commonsense meaning of the verse - because they are filtering it through confusing, unclear, out-of-context or misapplied verses which were carefully chosen and interpreted to support their man-made philosophy of what God is like and how He must act in order to be God.

If you think Calvinism upholds the clear, simple, commonsense teachings of verses and of the Bible overall, then you're not listening close enough.  Or you're reading it through Calvinist lenses.  (Also see "12 Tips on how to think critically about Calvinism")

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