My Most Trusted Pastor
(Not starting up this blog again, just putting this front and center because it's important.) If you don't know which pastor you can trust because so many of them are Calvinists , I recommend the one I listen to most and trust as the most biblically accurate: Tony Evans. [And for one more: The late Charles Stanley .] Back before we left our Calvinist church, when we were getting super fed-up listening to all the Calvinist sermons, I began listening to Dr. Evans every week, and I haven't yet heard anything that alarms me or that I disagree with (except for a few very minor points when it comes to prophecy). I actually credit Dr. Evans with "restoring my faith" after I felt it crumbling under the Calvinist preaching we were getting at the time. For quite awhile after we got our new pastor, I didn't know he was teaching Calvinism. I just knew something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it yet. But whatever it was, it wa...