
Showing posts from September, 2022

Starting the new school year with Creation vs. Evolution

This post (from my other blog that I still occasionally add posts to:  Heather's Garden and Home ) doesn't have anything to do with Calvinism, but it does very much have to do with faith.  Nobody else has to see it the way I do, but I am adding this here because it's important to consider where you stand on this issue, an issue many of us put on the back burner.  I bet part of the reason our churches are in such a mess is because we Christians have compromised God's Word from the very beginning, choosing to believe that God didn't mean what He said the way He said it in Genesis, altering God's Word to fit and incorporate men's ideas, thereby making man the authority on truth, over God.  No wonder our churches are so lukewarm and compromising and lost today!   And I don't know about you, but I could use a little boost to encourage and strengthen my faith, considering what a hopeless mess this world is right now.  So here it is (and once again, I'm not...