
Showing posts from September, 2024

Quick Answers to Calvinism (2 so far)

(This will - like the "Snippets to Ponder" post - be one that I keep adding things to as I think of them, a running list.  And I will add new ones at the top of the list so that you can find them easily.) After having studied Calvinism deeply for years now, I can honestly tell you that there is no "gotcha" argument or Bible verse that will win the "Calvinism vs. Anti-Calvinism" debate for good, beyond all doubt, at least not in a way that will satisfy all people and get everyone on the same side.  Whatever argument or Bible verse we non-Calvinists use to support our side, the Calvinists (because of the lenses they wear) will find a different way to read it or understand it to support their side instead.  And round and round we go.  (But remember that we all have good intentions and all want to honor God and His Word, so let's be compassionate, kind, and respectful, even in our disagreement.)   And because of this, debates over Calvinism can be long and

Snippets to Ponder (5 so far)

I intend to be done with this blog because it's long enough, but I also wanted to highlight some things I've already written that I think are worth pondering, the smaller points or random interesting things or important points that got buried in this big blog.  And so I think I found a way to do both:  I'm going to keep this post and an upcoming "quick answers to Calvinism" post as the final posts on this blog, occasionally adding short snippets to them of things from my longer posts.  ( And I'm still planning to write a very short "When Calvinists say 'But predestination!'" post, hopefully soon.)  This way, I can highlight these things without adding much more length to this blog.   (But when this page gets too long, I'll simply start a "part 2" post, keeping things as condensed as possible.) I won't add much further explanation to these snippets, but I might rewrite them a bit for clarity.  And I will add a link to the pos