
Showing posts from February, 2024

Totally worth watching: "Why we left Calvinism" with Jordan, Joshua, and Tyler

This is such a great interview from Jordan Hatfield (Great Light Studios) with Joshua Davidson and Tyler Fowler:   Why We Left Calvinism, Part 1  (1 hour 35 minutes) So many great insights about so many things, not just Calvinism.  So many nuggets of wisdom to be found.  These guys are deep thinkers, and I loved hearing their stories.  It's totally worth watching.

Calvinist Hogwash #1 (God and sin/suffering)

Subtitle:  "Calvinists say the stupidest things"  Sub-subtitle:  "Yes, Calvinists really do teach this stuff"  Sub-sub-subtitle:  "You're probably gonna wanna take a shower when you're doing reading"    This is the first of a series of posts o f Calvinist quotes that reveal Calvinism's true colors, that show what it really believes underneath all the sugar-coating, and that show how deceptive it is.   (I'll keep my comments to a minimum here, but I did add some emphasis,  in bold,  from time to time.  I'll post one whole long post at the end of the series.)   Have a filthy, stinkin' good time rolling around in this pig-slop.  (And then go take a shower.) But first... I want to start with some quotes from those who've been hurt by Calvinism, to show the damage Calvinism can do to people and their faith.  (Of course, Calvinists would probably just claim these are non-elect people anyway.).    A ...