Why is Calvinism so dangerous? #2 (God wants whom to perish?)
[In this series, I'm breaking the long post "Why is Calvinism so dangerous?" into bite-sized pieces.] 2. The Bible says ... God is not willing that any man should perish, He wants all to be saved, His saving grace is available to all. But Calvinism says ... God predestined most people to hell for His pleasure and glory, His saving grace was never for the non-elect . 2 Peter 3:9 : "... He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." [However, Calvi-god predestines most people to perish, but then he says here that he doesn't really want anyone to perish. Deceptive! And if he gets glory for predestining people to perish, then isn't he denying himself glory by saying he doesn't want anyone to perish? If predestining people to hell truly was glorifying to him, then shouldn't he - and Calvinists - celebrate people going to hell because it brings Calvi-god more glory? If Calvi-god's ...