
Showing posts from March, 2021

Exposing What Calvinists Really Mean: Sin Nature, Free-Will, and God's Foreknowledge

[Okay, I've got a little more to add now.] Here are some comments from the post Pelagianism: The Boogie Man , at Soteriology 101, showing the slippery dances Calvinists do to defend/promote their theology, to make it sound better than it is, and to try to make the Bible fit their theology.  And using their own comments, I'm going to expose what they really mean by the things they say.  (I made minor changes for better clarity.  And you might also like the post Confronting Calvinism's Deceptive Nonsense .):   (FYI, I changed the color of Rhutchin's comments so that they weren't purple anymore.  Purple is the color I use when I quote Scripture, and so it bothered me to also use it for the comments of a Scripture-twisting Calvinist.  I gave him pink instead.) Rhutchin [a strong, dogmatic Calvinist] says:              People are sent to hell (i.e. not able to enter heaven) because they are sinners and demonstrate this by ...