Calvinism on the suffering of children
[This is taken from my post "As evil as it gets: Calvinism on babies and the unreached." I'm breaking that longer post up into shorter pieces, to focus on one topic per post. I'll intersperse this series with the Alana L series .] About the suffering and abuse of babies and children: Remember that these are not my words. These are Calvinist's own words , and so you can see that we are not misrepresenting them or putting words in their mouths. This is hard stuff to read. Really hard. But you need to read it. To know that they really do teach this garbage. (And "garbage" is the nice word. I was gonna use a stronger one. Oh, yes, I was! Note: A ll bold emphasis in all quotes has been added by me. ) a. Gordon H. Clark ( Religion, Reason, and Revelation) : “I wish very frankly and pointedly to assert that if a man gets drunk and shoots his family, it was the will of God that he shoul...