
Snippets to Ponder, part 2 (#9-13)

[ Click here for part 1 ] #13   This is not a snippet from anything but just a thought I want to add, now that you see what Calvinism teaches.  Calvinist pastors preach often about how depraved and wretched and sinful we are, about how we should fall on our knees in gratitude that God chose to save anyone at all when we are all so terrible, and how we should be okay with God's right to predestine people to hell because  (according to them) God gets glory for it and because  they deserve it even though God predestined it.  Blah, blah, blah. But do you know what we don't hear much about from Calvinists: God's love (unless it's for "the elect").  The two greatest commandments: Love God and love others. Calvinists are so overly-focused on their doctrines of total depravity and election/predestination and God's "sovereign control of sin" and on their idea that God gets glory for ordaining sin and predestining people to hell that the two greatest comma